Sunday, September 24, 2017

New Lid

My old Norton N-102 helmet had been peeling its outer coat and the liner was now sagging. I casually mentioned this to Chris and that I should buy a new helmet before next season. She decided I needed it NOW and it should be for my birthday. Not one to argue, I agreed and we took a ride over to Dainese Chicago to check out AGV helmets. Chris's AGV K-5 has worked out well and I like the possibility of some Valentino Rossi graphics.

The store was having MotoGP viewing party with free food so after some helmet shopping, we picked up some pizza and Coke and found a seat for the race. Nice race, but Rossi did not make podium.

So back to the helmets I went tried the K-5 S and the Veloce. The Veloce was much lighter with carbon fiber shell. In the end we went for the Veloce Soleluna. So now I am rocking the Rossi style. Any chance it will make me ride better?

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